Staff > OSL User tab

The OSL User tab is where you setup and manage the Staff member’s access to OSL Office Live or OSL Agent Live.


Everyone that you want to have access to OSL Office/Agent must have their own login. This includes Administrators Managers and Agents.

New Users

Giving access to the program is a 4 step process;

  1. Create a username and password
  2. Decide OSL Office or Agent Live program
  3. and set their user rights 
  4. Email them their username/password

Create username and password

Click on the Add  button to create a new username and password, 

Their work email is auto added as their username

The staff member’s password will be automatically generated – you cannot see the users password

Select OSL Office or OSL Agent

Select either OSL Office (for office administrators) or OSL Agent (for selling Agents)

The OSL Website user option is for external users. If you have a design company running your OSL website. An OSL Website users only has access to your OSL website. 

Office user 

Set their user level   

Users cannot create a user account > their own user level

Agent user

If you have selected Agent then these are the available options

View listings

Use the view listings option to set the listings the agent can view;

  • Own – only their own listings ( not used very often) 
  • Office – view all listings in the Office
  • Company – view all listing in your Company (multi Office)

Edit their listings

Allow the Agent to Edit their Listings Yes/No. ( very often set to Yes) 

Agents can only edit their own listings

Default Listing Type

Important. This option sets the users default listing type.

The default listing type will be the same as for your office. Changing the default listing type will change how the program displays listing information. There are four options to choose from: 

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Business
  • and Rural

In recent years more and more real estate companies allow Agents to edit Listings where they are either agent 1 or agent 2 on a listing. A full audit trail is maintained of all changes made to a listing. Editing a listing does not allow the Agent to change the listing status, this is controlled by Admin users.

Email the user name & password

Done! You have created a login for your staff member.

Click on the Email button to email them their login details.

 The user emails will be sent from [email protected].  Make sure the user checks their junk/spam folder if you haven’t received the email after a few minutes.

User levels

What do the different user levels mean?

These are in order from Lowest to Highest.

Website [1] 

Use this user level if you are wanting to give access to your website for a person user that maybe managing your website. Or if you want to give temporary access to a SEO company.

Admin Lite [4]

User has access to; Listings, create listings , change ;listing status to Available  and withdrawn but cant change to Conditional., Promotions, People, Staff, Dashboard – current office no Sales

Administrator [5]

User has access to; Listings, Sales, Promotions, People, Staff, Dashboard KPI’s – current office + Sales tab

Company Lite [6]

User has access to; Listings, Sales, Promotions, People, Staff YTD earnings, Dashboard KPI’s – multi office + Sales tab, Settings of their office

Company [8]

User has access to; Listings, Sales, Promotions, People, Staff YTD earnings, Staff Dashboard KPI’s – multi office + Sales tab and the option to view Dashboard KPI’s by salesperson., the Settings of all offices the company

Every office should have a Company level user

Group level [9])

For clients using the real estate group module. This allows user to view information across multiple companies within a real estate group.

Can only be set up by OSL helpdesk

Delete a User account

You can remove a staff members access by clicking on the Delete button on the OSL User tab

OSL User Notes

  • When an Agent leaves your company Delete their user login & unpublish their profile. 
  • You can only create a user login for Active agents.
  • User access can only be created for staff with an email address entered.
  • You can only create user accounts up to the same level as yourself
  • User accounts that have not used for more than 1 year will be removed.
  • Accounts that remain inactive for more than 1 year will be deleted.

NEXT Profile tab