Listings menu > Rentals

Showing Available Rentals on your website.


If your Office has a Rent roll this is where you can View, Add, Edit, Sort and find your Rental Listings.

Or Click on the Listings > Rentals menu tile

New Rental property

When you add a New Rental Property the status is set as Pending like any other listing. Click on the edit button beside the status to change to Available.

Rental Price

Enter the rental details on the Listing Agency tab for your property

Note. The Rental amount is the value sent to the portal websites, while the Price display is used on OSL websites.

Property Manager

Only Agents marked as Property managers can be added to a Rental property.

Make sure that your Property Managers are ticked to be Selling Agents Property Manager on the Staff Details tab.

Rental status

A Rental status can be

  • Pending
  • Rental Available - on the market to be let
  • Rented -  has been Rented
  • Withdrawn - you are no longer managing this property

When a Rental property is changed to Rented or Withdrawn it will be removed from portal websites. 

You can change a Rented property back to available if and when a property becomes vacant again.

Rentals on your OSL website

The next step is to Add Rental pages to your website,

Select the Listings > Internet tab and select the websites that you want the Rental property to be sent to.

Rentals pages on your website more...

Turn ON Rentals

If you cant see the Rentals menu option,  make sure that you have turned ON the Rentals option in Settings > Company > Rentals tab more...